Saturday, 2 February 2013

Practicing with Animation

I ran away a little with this one. Couldn't help myself from seeing it through, but it's essentially something that i wanted to animate and have fun with, been able to artistically exaggerate the smoke to look more cartoon than looking at it from a realistic point of view. Below is the work in progress where I have began to work on my key frame's, and figure out where the timing is good, where the cushioning and snappy animation should take place within my little animation. It has been important to try and let the animation flow nicely, and the explosion to emit, from a snappy point, in the performance. I think it works really well, and the drawings are relatively dynamic to allow the performance of the smoke to speak for itself. 

I have taken this time to consider what else I would like to learn to animate for my Animation show reel. A bird cycle is something that I have not animated before, so whilst considering my research on how bird's movement, I prepared a little diagram for me to refer to when it comes to moving into the production stages of creating the piece.

My research on the physical flight pattern of birds can be found at...

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