Friday, 11 January 2013

First Project Proposal

‘Project Proposal’ Level 2: ANI2027M Digital Skills Development

Benjamin Hudson

In the forthcoming term I intend to enhance both my 2D and 3D skill sets to
create a short film that will demonstrate a diverse range of techniques that will
result in a visually strong and well staged submission with functioning storytelling
mechanics. I wish to develop my Autodesk Maya skills further as I feel strongly
that I still have much to learn and gain from the programme and how it can
serve me in regards to; digital modelling, rigging, texturing, dynamics, lighting
and animation. This will be beneficial to me in both the remainder of my time at
University and post University where in employment my knowledge will be used
to great lengths and I may be required to work outside of one of my comfort
zones. In regards to developing my 2D animation skill set, I wish to push my
drawing & animation ability and bring a 'hand drawn' stylised sensibility to my
work that can compliment the work produced in Maya with the help of Adobe's
suite of digital programmes; Photoshop, Flash, After Effects, Sound booth and
Premiere, and my own vision from sketching and drawing work that I produce by
hand. The reason I wish to mix both the 2D and 3D Mediums together is not only
to show the extent of what I can do with a Pencil as much as a computer, but
there are so many imperfections with 2D Animation from the animation itself, to
background and layout to timing and pacing – that I want to bring more of that
charm, fun and energy to what I do in 3D. From personal experience in using 3D,
while I thoroughly enjoy it; there’s a huge desire to make things look absolutely
polished and perfect and close to reality that I sometimes forget about where I
feel I could put a little bit of that desired 2D charm back. I understand that
there’s certain things that look better in 3D than 2D and vice versa but this is all
why I wish to find some middle ground and blend the two mediums together.
In doing this I intend to pursue a pre-production stage where storyboards and
animatics will be used extensively to bring the story to life, so I have solid
footwork to work from. Filmic language and camera angles will be thoroughly
explored to tell the story efficiently and professionally.
A production stage will take place where the short is produced. This will involve
working in the 2D and 3D Mediums in the programmes mentioned above. Help
will be required during production from another or several others; so they may
be brought on board to help bring the film to life.
Finally a Post production stage will then occur, where the film will undergo
tweaks to complete a final desired artistic look, and a final edit will be put
In producing this short film, I hope it and all of the pre-production work that will
compliment it and any subsidiary show-reel work that I produce or take from
past projects will eventually propel me into a career as an Animation Director. As
an animation director, it would be my job to thoroughly understand which
department in the production pipeline produces what, and be on hand to guide
everyone on board of a production in what I would see as the right the way
through; expressing my own personal vision in all of the creative aspects of any
given project. As an animation director, it is also important to have the drive to
express what you want to show on screen. This incredibly excites me in what I
feel I can bring to animated films. In capturing a feeling, and an essence, and
being immersed in another film’s world and the way each director moulds mise
en scene to bring their vision to life is something I too really want to explore. To
capture something, and feed to an audience what I have felt when I’ve watched
animated shorts stemming from my childhood, even up to now. Choosing this
pathway allows me to start that. Animation in my own opinion is so infantile and
this is something I wish to explore more, whilst also pushing myself to make a
statement with the stories I wish to tell.

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